Get Started experience redesign

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Product Design
Web Design
Improved both user experience and UI. Commercial users and students users struggled in the previous user journey so the deep research was done, experience and designs improved.


How did it start?

V7 had 2 main CTA on the website - Request a Demo and Log in. By reviewing the analytics we found out that there’s a huge drop off of users in the pipeline: either people click on the CTA but don’t submit the form or they do submit it and try to log in to the product afterward but are unable to since they requested a demo with sales and don’t have access to the product yet (they’ll get it after purchasing). At the same time, we had a free plan for students users which wasn’t shown on the main page. It was obvious that the experience is pretty confusing and needs to be changed it. I started my research to find all the problems users had to come up with the best solution.


User sessions + analytics

I started my research by reviewing users’ sessions interacting with the current experience and analyzing the data I got from it. I created a Notion file to document everything I found for better visualization of data + to share my research with my team. The table with user sessions and all the insights collected was created, I divided all the problems users had into a few categories in the end and it gave a full picture of what these problems were.

Notion document with research
Old user flow

Competitors research

After analyzing users’ behavior and knowing the problems I started competitors’ research to get more inspiration on how different products tackle similar challenges. I’ve reviewed around 20 different products and was completing get started + talk to sales/get a demo experience to see which experience is the easiest and most user friendly. This stage gave me even more understanding of what should be done.

Competitors research

Talking to team members

After collecting all my insights I have defined the main problems + all possible solutions I’ve come up with. All this research was shared with the team to discuss together, get insights from them

Research outcome

The main users' problems were:
  1. Get a demo experience looked like Get Started - so users were expecting to log in after submitting the demo form and were disappointed in the end by not being able to
  2. Students users submitted the demo form because they didn’t know there was a free plan available for them since it wasn’t visible
  3. Every second user typed in their personal email instead of their work email and wasn’t able to submit the form since it wasn’t mentioned that the work email was required
  4. UI experience overall was confusing so users were clicking on the elements that were not supposed to be action points
  5. The conversion was low due to all the problems in the old experience

Design phase

Low-fidelity wireframes

After talking to the team we decided to test a few different options. I designed low-fidelity wireframes to visualize the solutions and test them at this early stage. After testing, and discussing with the team, the final experience was chosen.

Wireframes with different UX, 2 iterations

Among different versions the UX where students and businesses are separated into 2 groups each of which has different user flow was chosen.
That makes user experience clear and easy to interact for everyone, no confusion anymore. At the same time this experience allows sales team filter the applications easier.

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Final UI Design

Final designs for desktop, mobile, tablet and widescreen breakpoints were built and shipped to developer.
New components added to the design system.

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