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Product Design
Visual Design
Lakera is an AI security platform. The products protects GenAI against risks such as: Prompt Injection, Jailbreaks, Hate, PII & Data Loss, Data Poisoning and Insecure LLM Plugin Design.


The goal was to design a web app for our users who want to see the analytics and insights into the attacks. The product didn’t have any interface at all so I had to design not only the app itself but the UI kit as well.


Collecting data from the interviews helped to highlight the main pain points and goals the users were trying to achieve by using the product.

Researching the competitors and similar cyber security solutions helped gain more ideas for the user experience, features, and the app's logic.


After the Research phase was completed, I started working on low-fidelity wireframes to draft many different options of the user experience. They were discussed with the team and 1-2 were left for the user testing.

After testing with the users and discussing with the team again, I built high-fidelity prototypes and created components for the Design System.

The design files were prepared for the engineering, with additional documentation and notes where needed.

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The app was designed in both light and dark mode to give the users a choice since some preferred the dark mode and some the light one. This was done with the help of previously built Figma tokens.

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